Few snippets that prove F# COOLNESS

Apr 20, 2020 min read

There's a legend around F# that the language is good for science, academic stuff (yes it is good for this as well but not only). Most people think that functional languages are complicated and thus will make them not productive. Nonsense! Let me introduce you to some cool F# features that can make you more productive. You can put away difficult things into the future, meanwhile use F# to write correct and concise code and create bullet-proof cool apps! Let me start with F# justification as a modern language then some functional programming evangelism, after that I will give you some F# selling points.

Is F# modern language?

Most of the Fsharpers are Csharpers first. Let me write about C# a little bit. Let’s look into new C# 8.0 features that you already know and love:

  • Pattern matching - we have this in F# since 2005 with features you can dream of (upgraded with active patterns in 2010). For Fsharpers the pattern matching C# is a toy for kids. Examples will come.
  • Using declarations - it is so old in F#…
  • Static local functions - so old in F#…
  • Nullable ref types - we have Records since 2005. So old…
  • Asynchronous streams - we have it for 5 years already
  • Default interface methods - you don’t need them in functional programming
  • Nullable reference types - It is not that easy to use null in F#, so usually we don’t do this (only when working at edges with .net libraries). We have the option type. F# won by 15 years
  • Null-coalescing assignment - You shouldn’t need this in F#. When working with .net libraries you can define this operator by yourself easily.

C# 8.0 is with us for some time already isn’t it? I have not seen any confirmed features of C# 9.0 but the rumors are saying… Records! We have them for 15 years in F#. People are writing about discards in lambda (boring), or improved pattern matching (can you beat F#? I don’t think so), yield expression - yes, yes F# has it. Let’s put the sarcasm aside. Don’t get me wrong I still love C# but do you see where it is going? Isn’t it functional programming the future?

Doubts over doubts… But the word consists of objects… and we do model world-class problems

I have many doubts at the beginning but then I thought that functional programming is so long out there… Lisp (1958), Haskell (1990), Clojure, F# so it would be just good for me to know at least one functional language. According to The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas, Andrew Hunt [1] you should learn one language each year (I’m below these expectations anyway) so let it be a functional one. Some time has passed since that moment so let me share with you my experience. Maybe I will accelerate your decision to step into the functional world.

The OO is better for modeling real-world problems

I am still not sure why I had been thinking that way… worst… I am not sure why so many people think that way! No book, no rule says that. Eric Evans, Vaugh Vernon (the kings of DDD) doesn’t say that FP is not suitable for modeling. On the other hand, we have a great book “Domain-Driven Design made functional” by Scott Wlashin [2] which proves F# (F# is used there for examples but it applies to most of the functional languages) excellence in modeling. Furthermore, let me use a graphic regarding OO modeling:

If you create software for more than 3 years I am sure you nod your head looking at this picture. Believe me that this is serious. Kelvin Hanney talks about it in his great speech about Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers[3]. One may say

yeah sure, but you can do this stuff in FP as well.

However, functional programming is all about implementing behaviors, that are independent of the data passed into them. In languages like Haskell or F# it’s extra easy to create types, so you focus on types and behaviors - this simply means that functional programming encourages good modeling (over time, you can model better without even being aware that you are doing it better). On top of that let me give you one quotation:

object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California. - Edsger Dijkstra

If you don’t mind a little bit of history let me mention that in 2001, Edsger W. Dijkstra wrote a letter to the Budget Council of The University of Texas about functional programming (Haskell in this case) when they wanted to replace the course with Java [4]. I am not in the opinion that OO is bad, it’s good - you can do awesome apps that way, model many domains. I am in the opinion that the functional paradigm is underestimated.

SOLID and functional programming

SOLID is a set of universal values and yes I am aware that Wikipedia says that this is OO principle but even the creator of the acronym says:

The principles of software design still apply, regardless of your programming style. The fact that you’ve decided to use a language that doesn’t have an assignment operator does not mean that you can ignore the Single Responsibility Principle; or that the Open-Closed Principle is somehow automatic. The fact that the Strategy pattern makes use of polymorphism does not mean that the pattern cannot be used in a good functional language - Robert C. Martin [5].

From my experience writing SOLID code in the functional paradigm is more automatic (thus easier) than in an object-oriented paradigm. Having this in mind other rules from OO still apply: Principles of package cohesion, Principles of package coupling (you can read about them in [6]).


That was a long foreword. Let’s take a look at some great features that F# has. For the examples, I will use F# scripting capability which is built into the language. I will use F# 5.0 (preview currently) as this version makes it easier to deal with packages in scripts. I just love this feature and I am looking forward to automating some repetitive work tasks using F#.

Type providers and computation expressions

Type provider is simply an adapter that loads data respecting its schema and then turns this data and schema into types of target programming language. These types can be used by compiler and IntelliSense. Let me give you three examples.

World Bank Data

World Bank Data is free and open access to global development data that contains many indicators related to poverty and inequality, health, environment, economy and more. F# Type provider makes it easy to do some research about the world. What about charting the CO2 emissions of Poland?

 1#r "nuget: XPlot.GoogleCharts"
 2#r "nuget: Fsharp.Data"
 4open FSharp.Data
 5open XPlot.GoogleCharts;
 7let data = WorldBankData.GetDataContext()
10    .Indicators.``CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)``
11      |> Chart.Line
12      |> Chart.WithTitle "CO2 emissions"
13      |> Chart.WithYTitle "Metric tons"
14      |> Chart.WithXTitle "Year"
15      |> Chart.Show

Having this let’s execute the script. You can use IDE (alt+enter in VSCode or Visual Studio) or CLI

dotnet fsi --langversion:preview worldbank1.fsx

Once F# will be out of preview you can drop the --langversion part. The result?

How cool is that? There is full IntelliSense for Poland or Indicator name:

To show something even more cool let’s add Germany to the chart and download the data asynchronously in parallel.

 1#r "nuget: XPlot.GoogleCharts"
 2#r "nuget: Fsharp.Data"
 4open FSharp.Data
 5open XPlot.GoogleCharts;
 7type WorldBank = WorldBankDataProvider<"World Development Indicators", Asynchronous=true>
 8let data = WorldBank.GetDataContext()
10type Chart = 
11 static member EntitleCo2 =  
12    Chart.WithTitle "CO2 emissions" >> Chart.WithYTitle "Metric tons" >> Chart.WithXTitle "Year"
14let countries = [data.Countries.``Poland``; data.Countries.``Germany``]
16  |> Seq.map(fun country -> country.Indicators.``CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)``) 
17  |> Async.Parallel 
18  |> Async.RunSynchronously
19  |> Chart.Line
20  |> Chart.WithLabels (countries |> Seq.map(fun country -> country.Name))
21  |> Chart.EntitleCo2
22  |> Chart.Show

If you want to see more countries here just extend the countries' array with more names in a type-safe way. One note here - do you see how concise the code is? Most of the code is about chart formatting (title, labels, type). Async operations are extremely easy to handle, fetching data and referencing packages - all that in 22 lines of code that can be run on Linux, Windows, macOS. The browser will be opened for you with the chart included .

SQL Provider

SqlProvider provides strongly typed syntax to work with databases. It provides types generated from database tables. It works with PostgreSQL, MSSql, SqlLite, Oracle and more. It supports stored procedures, views, automatic constraint navigation and more. Find an example below:

 1#r "nuget: Fsharp.Data"
 2#r "nuget: System.Data.SqlClient"
 3#r "nuget: SQLProvider"
 5open FSharp.Data.Sql
 6open System.Data.SqlClient
 8type sql = SqlDataProvider< 
 9            ConnectionString = "Server=localhost,1433;Initial Catalog=TestDb;User ID=sa;Password=Strong!Passw0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connection Timeout=30;",
10            DatabaseVendor = Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.MSSQLSERVER,
11            UseOptionTypes = true>
13let db = sql.GetDataContext().Dbo
14let students =
15    query {
16        for student in db.Student do
17        where (student.Age >= 10 && student.Age < 25)
18        select student // strongly typed
19    }
20(students |> Seq.head).Name |> printf "First student name is %s"

You don’t have to write database models anymore! SqlProvider supports mapping to record types so you can focus on querying the data and mapping them to domain models. The example contains the next cool F# feature - computation expressions. It provides extra syntax to handle specific operations in a particular context - like the query in curly braces above. You can also build sequences or handle asynchronous operations. For example, you can list all moves of Psyduck pokemon using the following code:

1let getPokemon pokemonName =
2    async {
3        let! data = Http.AsyncRequestString(sprintf "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/%s" pokemonName, silentHttpErrors = true)
4        return Json.deserialize<PokemonInfoDto> data
5    }
6let pokemonMoves = getPokemon "psyduck" |> Async.RunSynchronously

this is a trivial example but in more side-effects driven asynchronous workflow it may save the day.

Html type provider

That one enables you to parse HTML documents in a type-safe way. Let me give an example from [4] which made me say “woaaahh” once I executed it.

1#r "nuget: Fsharp.Data"
3open FSharp.Data
5type Species = 
6    HtmlProvider<"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_world's_100_most_threatened_species">
8Species.GetSample().Tables.``Species list``.Rows 
9    |> Seq.iter(fun item -> printf "%s \n" item.``Common name``)

That’s it! A list of most 100 endangered species is printing on the console in this few lines of code. You can even create your type providers - it is hard art but yet powerful. You can read more about that in [7].

Structural equality

In C# when you want to test for equality between objects you have to implement the IEquatable<> interface. In F# you have this for free. Consider the example below:

 1type Person = { Name: string; Surname: string; Age: int}
 3let person1 = {Name = "Marcin"; Surname = "Golenia"; Age = 30}
 4let person2 = {Name = "Marcin"; Surname = "Golenia"; Age = 30}
 5let person3 = {Name = "Mickey"; Surname = "Mouse"; Age = 30}
 6let pair1 = person1, person3
 7let pair2 = person2, person3
 9printfn "%b" (person1 = person2) // prints true
10printfn "%b" (pair1 = pair2) // prints true
11printfn "%b" (person1 = person3) // prints false

Most of the F# types are also automatically comparable. Having these two features allows us to naturally model reality. Consider the example below which uses the same Record type for hierarchy representation in the company;

 1type Person = { Name: string; Surname: string; Age: int}
 2type CompanyHierarchy = Worker of Person | Manager of Person | Cto of Person
 4let makePerson companyRole =
 5    match companyRole with
 6    | CompanyHierarchy.Manager p | CompanyHierarchy.Cto p | CompanyHierarchy.Worker p -> p
 8let manager = { Name = "Marcin"; Surname = "Golenia"; Age = 30} |> CompanyHierarchy.Manager
 9let cto = { Name = "Marcin"; Surname = "Golenia"; Age = 30} |> CompanyHierarchy.Cto
10// Test equality and compare
11cto > manager |> printfn "%A is greater than %A: %b" cto manager 
12cto = manager |> printfn "%A is equal to %A: %b" cto manager
13let ctoPerson = cto |> makePerson
14let managerPerson = manager |> makePerson
15ctoPerson = managerPerson |> printfn "%A is equal to %A: %b" ctoPerson managerPerson 

Gives us the following output

 1λ dotnet fsi --langversion:preview structuralEquality2.fsx
 2Cto { Name = "Marcin"
 3      Surname = "Golenia"
 4      Age = 30 } is greater than Manager { Name = "Marcin"
 5          Surname = "Golenia"
 6          Age = 30 }: true
 7Cto { Name = "Marcin"
 8      Surname = "Golenia"
 9      Age = 30 } is equal to Manager { Name = "Marcin"
10          Surname = "Golenia"
11          Age = 30 }: false
12{ Name = "Marcin"
13  Surname = "Golenia"
14  Age = 30 } is equal to { Name = "Marcin"
15  Surname = "Golenia"
16  Age = 30 }: true

Isn’t that cool? If you want to have structural equality in C# you are doomed to this:

 1namespace ClassLibrary
 3    using System;
 5    public class Person : IEquatable<Person>
 6    {
 7        public string Name { get; }
 8        public string LastName { get; }
 9        public int Age { get; }
11        public Person(string name, string lastName, int age)
12        {
13            Name = name;
14            LastName = lastName;
15            Age = age;
16        }
18        public bool Equals(Person other)
19        {
20            if (ReferenceEquals(objA: null, other)) return false;
21            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
22            return Name == other.Name && LastName == other.LastName && Age == other.Age;
23        }
25        public override bool Equals(object obj)
26        {
27            if (ReferenceEquals(objA: null, obj)) return false;
28            if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
29            if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
30            return Equals((Person) obj);
31        }
33        public override int GetHashCode()
34        {
35            unchecked
36            {
37                var hashCode = Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0;
38                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (LastName != null ? LastName.GetHashCode() : 0);
39                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Age;
40                return hashCode;
41            }
42        }
43    }

If you want to have something like company hierarchy IComparable<> waits for you.

Rich types system

Let me start with a quotation:

Make illegal states unrepresentable - Yaron Minsky

which is frequently mentioned by other tech writers - for example in DDD Made functional by Scott Wlashin [2], bloggers (including me now), just google this sentence and see for yourself. The idea behind this is to design your types in such a way that making a mistake is simply not possible. Let me give you an example - consider that someone submits a ticket to your system. He has to provide a way of contact. This can be a telephone number or email address or both but at least one. In OO most of us would write two properties and do some validation in the constructor. I hope you wrote an unit test for this as well. Can we do better? Union types!

 1type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string
 2type TelephoneNumber = TelephoneNumber of string
 3type Contact = 
 4    | EmailAddressOnly of EmailAddress 
 5    | TelephoneNumberOnly of TelephoneNumber // | is OR
 6    | EmailAddressAndTelephoneNumber of EmailAddress * TelephoneNumber // * is AND
 7type Ticket = {Number: int; Description: string; Contact: Contact }
 9let telephone = "Test" |> TelephoneNumber
10let email = "Test" |> EmailAddress
11let tickets = [{ Number = 10; Description = "My pc doesn't work"; Contact = telephone |> Contact.TelephoneNumberOnly };
12              { Number = 11; Description = "My pc doesn't work"; Contact = email |> Contact.EmailAddressOnly };
13              { Number = 12; Description = "My pc doesn't work"; Contact = (email, telephone) |> EmailAddressAndTelephoneNumber }]

We can still do better. Now we can put any string into the email address or telephone to constrain this we can add smart constructors to our types - it is easy to do, you can read more about them in [2]. Usually, in OO no one creates a special value type for such small things. I think that this results from the convention of having one structure, one class in one file and of course the complexity - in F# new type usually takes one line. You can’t be so concise in OO language.

Finally, let me show you a famous sample in the functional world - a deck of cards.

1type Suit = | Spades | Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts // Union type is choice - pick one 
3type Face = | Two  | Three | Four  | Five
4            | Six  | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten
5            | Jack | Queen | King  | Ace
7type Card = Face * Suit // Tuple means pair, so card has a face and suit.
8type Deck = Card list  // built in list type

This code compiles and works! Can a non-technical person read the code? I think that a non-technical person can even modify this code If we ask to add 5th color to our card-domain. Isn’t F# perfect language for creating DSL and ubiquitous language? Here’s code you can add which creates a full deck and prints it in the console:

1let suits = [Spades; Clubs; Diamonds; Hearts]
2let faces = [Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven; Eight; Nine; Ten; Jack; Queen; King; Ace]
3let deck = [for suit in suits do
4            for face in faces do
5                yield face, suit]
7printfn "%A" deck

If you want to know a little bit more about types and modeling in F# quickly I advise you to watch a talk by Scott Wlashin about it [8].

Type inference and automatic generalization

F# is a strongly typed language with automatic generalization. Consider the following function:

1let addToListIfNotThere list item =
2    match (list |> Seq.contains item) with
3        | true -> list
4        | _ -> item :: list

But where are the types? The function signature is val addToListIfNotThere : list:'a list -> item:'a -> 'a list when 'a : equality. If you are not familiar with this notation it simply means that addToListIfNotThere is a function that takes a list of any type (‘a) and an item of any type and returns a list of any type. The last arrow -> tells us about the return type of the function, all arrows before are input parameters of each curried function. In many languages, you have to start playing with additional syntax related to generics to have this functionality. Let us change the implementation of the function to check if the item is greater than 0:

1let addToListIfNotThereAndGt0 list item =
2    match (list |> Seq.contains item) with
3        | true | _ when item < 0 -> list
4        | _ -> item :: list

F# will automaticaly constraint the type for us and conclude the type: val addToListIfNotThereAndGt0 : list:int list -> item:int -> int list.

Top-down ordering

For some of you, it may be hard to believe but code and file ordering is important in F#. This means that you won’t be able to use types, functions defined in files that are placed below the current file. You won’t be able to use types and functions which are defined below your current position in the file. The same top-down ordering rule applies to solutions folders. As this seems to be strange and discouraging at the beginning it won’t bother you as you go with more code after some practice. I see two main benefits thanks to this “feature”:

  • Guarantee that you won’t fall into the circular dependencies.
  • The structure of F# solutions are easier to predict. Even in a single file script you can expect most basic domain types to be at the top next are more complex types and finally functions. The Same rule applies fo files within the project.

Any downsides? Not to me.

Pattern matching

Let’s start with something basic. The snippet below when age is given in seconds, calculates how old someone would be on another planet:

 1module SpaceAge
 3type Planet = Earth | Mercury | Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune
 5let earthAgeInYears seconds = 
 6    float seconds / float 31557600
 8let age planet (seconds: int64) = 
 9    let earthAges = earthAgeInYears seconds
10    match planet with
11    | Earth -> earthAges
12    | Mercury -> earthAges / 0.2408467
13    | Venus -> earthAges / 0.61519726
14    | Mars -> earthAges / 1.8808158
15    | Jupiter -> earthAges / 11.862615
16    | Saturn -> earthAges / 29.447498
17    | Uranus -> earthAges / 84.016846
18    | Neptune -> earthAges / 164.79132 

On the other hand, F# also has active patterns. A simple example will be even/odd number detection.

1let (|Odd|Even|) number = 
2  if number % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd
4match 5 with
5| Even -> "Even"
6| Odd -> "Odd"
7|> printf "%s"

Of course you can use “guards” | _ -> when function() -> result but it isn’t that readable. Active patterns are a powerful tool that can help you make your code more domain-specific. Moreover, active patterns are just functions so you can pass them to other active patterns. You can also partially define active patterns (so not all inputs will have outputs assigned). An example of a parameterized partial active pattern:

 1let (|MultOf|_|) divider number = if number % divider = 0 then Some MultOf else None
 3let numbers = [|1..50|]
 5numbers |> Seq.iter(fun number -> 
 6    match number with
 7    | MultOf(2) & MultOf(3) -> printf "%i is MultOf 2 and 3" number
 8    | MultOf(2) -> printf "%i is MultOf 2" number
 9    | MultOf(3) -> printf "%i is MultOf 3" number
10    | _ -> printf "%i Isn't mult of 2, 3." number
11    printf "\n"

We can also do pattern matching on collections and records to match for some of the properties. Examples:

 1// Pattern matching on collections
 2let list = ["a1"; "b1"; "c1"]
 3match list with
 4| [] -> printf "empty"
 5| [a] -> printf "just %A" a
 6| [a; b] -> printf "two elements beginning with %A" a
 7| a::tail -> printf "many elements beginning with %A" a
 8| _ -> "lots of elements"
10// Pattern matching on records
11type Person = { FirstName: string; LastName: string; Age: int }
12let person = { FirstName="Marcin"; LastName="Golenia"; Age = 30 }
13match person with 
14| { FirstName="Marcin" }  -> printfn "Matched Marcin" 
15| _  -> printfn "Other guy" 

There is even more! If you are interested in more advanced techniques with pattern matching make sure to check A Deep Dive into Active Patterns with Paul Blasucci [9].

Units of measure

For domains which require specific calculations (economy, electricity, speed, time, power and other physical measures) we can embrace F# units of measure. F# allows to define custom units and conversions. A basic example:

 1[<Measure>] type h
 2[<Measure>] type day
 3[<Measure>] type month
 4[<Measure>] type zl
 6let workingHoursInDay = 8<h/day>
 7let averageWorkingDaysInMonth = 21<day/month>
 9let convertToDay (wage:int<zl/h>) = wage * workingHoursInDay
10let convertToMonth (wage:int<zl/day>) = wage * averageWorkingDaysInMonth
12let hourlyWage = 15<zl/h>
13let dailyWage = hourlyWage |> convertToDay
14let monthlyWage = dailyWage |> convertToMonth


1val hourlyWage : int<zl/h> = 15
2val dailyWage : int<zl/day> = 120
3val monthlyWage : int<zl/month> = 2520

Spaces in names

It sounds trivial but I love this feature. This is handy in type providers (check again the HTML type provider - do you see variable names with spaces?) and tests. Frequently I am naming my tests in C# like this:

2public void Given_AlignExpenses_When_BillingItemsHaveReservationIdsThatWereAlreadyBilled_Then_ExpensesAreBeingSentWithFullBillingItemIncomesNetSum()

in F# you can write it like this:

2let ``Given align expenses when billing items have reservationIds that were already billed then expenses are being sent with full billing item incomes net sum`` ()

A little thing but gives a lot of happiness. Cool, isn’t it?

R bindings

Just to mention (because I didn’t have a chance yet to use it) If you are into machine learning you may appreciate F# R Type provider which discovers R packages that are available in your R installation and makes them available as .NET namespaces underneath the parent namespace RProvider. Keep in mind F# also supports data science quite well [10].


You have all these features with a concise syntax thanks to FP currying, piping and immutability without some noise like curly braces with the full power of .NET in the background. You can even mix these two languages in one solution - this may be a good way to try F#, to structure it properly you might want to read about it more in a dedicated chapter in [11].

There are many great histories in using F# - for example, https://jet.com/ - an online shop that supports millions of customers using microservices. I hope I caught your eye on F#. All code is available on github repository. Have fun!

[1] The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas, Andrew Hunt
[2] Domain-Driven Design made functional Scott Wlashin
[3] Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers Kevlin Henney
[4] To the members of the Budget Council Edsger W.Dijkstra
[5] CleanCoder blog Robert C. Martin
[6] Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design Robert C. Martin
[7] Expert F# 4.0 Don Syme, Adam Granicz.
[8] Domain Modeling Made Functional Scott Wlashin
[9] A Deep Dive into Active Patterns Paul Blasucci
[10] Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F# Tomas Petricek
[11] Get Programming With F#: A Guide for .net Developers Isaac Abraham