Stop retyping your branch name when you push to origin

Sep 12, 2020 min read

Just stop 🤬 There is a better way of doing it! Fire one command and spare few seconds multiplied by a hundred times. Welcome to my shortest post on this blog.

The problem and the solution

So after a few years of creating new branches and pushing them to the origin, I realized that I am doing a strange thing each time. Let’s begin the simulation.

  1. Create the branch locally.
  2. Do some changes, commit them.
  3. Time to push the changes:
1$ git push
2fatal: The current branch feature/a_branch has no upstream branch.
3To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
5    git push --set-upstream origin feature/a_branch
  1. Copy the output command, paste it, execute again or retype with a shortcut: git push -u origin feature/a_branch
  2. Done

Point 4 is just stupid, isn’t it? Luckily according to git docs [1] we have a nice setting named push.default which we can set to current:

Push the current branch to update a branch with the same name on the receiving end. Works in both central and non-central workflows.

It is enough to run this command:

1git config --global push.default current

To set automatic tracking (so You can pull changes from the origin) run this:

1git config --global push.autoSetupRemote true

Done. Years of copy & pasting the output command are gone. You might want to see if the configuration is correct using

1git config --global --list

You can of course apply this setting only to the selected repository. In this case, your working directory should be your repository and you should omit the --global argument. Cheers!


It is always worth to challenge your routine habits. The second conclusion is that it is worth to get know the tools you use 😅.

[1] Git configuration documentation