Make F# play nice with C# - how to compose dependencies while hosting with C# project
F# is a nice functional alternative in .NET. I have convinced my teammates to use F# in our project at my work in a small new accounting bounded context that would be hosted by .NET Core C# host and Autofac based composition root. We …
Technology Radar as a knowledge and communication
Radar is a system that uses radio waves to find the position and movement of objects, for example, planes and ships, when they cannot be seen. Analogously Technology radar "uses" engineers and built systems to find the position and …
Few snippets that prove F# COOLNESS
There's a legend around F# that the language is good for science, academic stuff (yes it is good for this as well but not only). Most people think that functional languages are complicated and thus will make them not productive. …
Top wastes in software production
We are just people - continuous work in focus for 8 hours is not something we are capable of. We have to make short breaks, socialize, drink coffee. Don not worry you are not causing any wastes or... or do you? If you do, it is not …
Team-building workshop: Feedback on skills development
Once I came up with a team-building workshop which you can carry out with your teammates. It focuses on skills being developed during the project duration. It may help with early burnout detection, silent disagreement or simply it may …
Database migrations tips
Running migrations using DbUp, FluentMigrator, Ef Migrations or any other tool is really easy to start with. With some tips you may successfully survive a long-running project with no stress or sad expierences.